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A Condensed Biographical Paragraph For You And No One Else

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Dear Reader,


Thanks for visiting this page.  The Eschatones are a band from Middlebury, Vermont and they play rock'n'roll.  Kai Stanley is the principal songwriter and he's very grateful that his friends Mark Sikora and Corey Many support him in this endeavor.  Over the past eight years or so they have played lots of gigs and they will continue to play more in the future.  Each show is very special to them and they greatly appreciate anyone who attends the aforementioned events.  Their music attempts to blend psychedelic rock and classic country while skeptically embracing elements of the modern world...or something like that.  The debut record "Acoustic Noises For People Prone To Bloody Noses" is out now and you should leave it on repeat with the volume down while you sleep so they can make some pennies from the giant streaming platforms.



The Eschatones  

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